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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sinharaja Tea

Sinharaja Tea

If you're finding for a special tea, possibly for a special event, or just to give yourself a special treat, give Sinharaja tea. This black tea is one of the most unique and flavorful you'll ever taste, and it's sure to come to be one of your all time beloved teas.

Sinharaja is a black Ceylon tea, grown in an area of Sri Lanka that borders the rainforest. Sri Lanka's Ceylon teas are world celebrated for their flavor, enhanced by the cool mist that surrounds this area of the countryside year round. These cool moist conditions create a tea that is unique, with a reddish color and a flavor that is robust, yet milder in flavor than some other black teas. Ceylon leaves are longer than many other tea leaves, and are very wiry. This tea is as intelligent to look at as it is to drink. And, literally good Ceylon teas, like Sinharaja, never go bitter, even if over infused.

Sri Lanka is known for making great tea. In fact, this small island is the third largest tea producer in the world. Tea output employs over one million population in Sri Lanka, making it the country's largest industry. But, Ceylon tea is still fAirly rare in the United States. Only about 19% of the tea consumed surface of Sri Lanka is Ceylon.

Sinharaja tea has a unique flavor, even among Ceylons. It has a very warming flavor, with notes of molasses and caramel, and just a hint of sweet berries. You'll find no better black tea for waking you up on a cold morning or helping you relax when you've had a long day. This tea has it all; it's rich, yet mellow and without even the slightest bitterness.

Ceylon teas are not easy to find in the Us, and many that you do find are of inferior quality.

Quality assurance is becoming more and more important in the tea industry. For years, it seemed that Americans weren't all that interested in drinking tea, but all that has changed. In part, changes have happened because we've come to be increasingly aware of the condition benefits of drinking tea. In addition, it seems to be the newest trend, following on the heels of the popularity of coffee houses.

One of the biggest trends in tea is flavored and specialty tea, since these teas open up a whole new range of flavors for the palate. So, it seems that every person is getting into the tea market. But, as you might imagine, not every person is making high capability tea. And, for the consumer, it can be difficult to judge either or not the tea you're purchasing is high quality.

There are no international tea grading standards. Each country grades their tea by their own standards, and often green teas are graded differently than black or white teas. So, determining the capability of the tea you're buying by finding at the grade can be quite confusing. The best bet for getting literally good teas consistently is by finding a tea enterprise that has a prestige for quality.

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