Rich Nature Organic Incan Golden Berries 5.5 (160 gram) Vitamin A Super Fruit

Friday, December 30, 2011

All About Strawberry Shortcakes

All About Strawberry Shortcakes

Strawberry shortcake may be a 200 year-old American invention. With the coming of chemical leavenings in the early 1800's, biscuits became popular. Since strawberries have always been facilely available, it is likely that biscuits and strawberries have been together for quite some time. Before the middle of that century, strawberry shortcake recipes were showing up in the method books.

Today strawberry shortcakes are made from every method from biscuits to white cake and even angel Food cakes but the former recipes always called for biscuits. Normally these biscuits are made richer with dAiry products and sugar. This is an former biscuit-like shortcake. It is rich and tender and flaky and very, very good.

What follows are a strawberry shortcake recipe, a blueberry cream cheese shortcake recipe, and a chocolate caramel raspberry shortcake recipe.

Three Ways to Make Shortcakes

1. Make them as drop biscuits. The dough must be moist sufficient to drop from a spoon and pat into a flat disc. Add more milk as needed to get the desired consistency.

2. Make them as cut-out biscuits. The dough must be slightly firm to cut into shapes on the counter. Sprinkle a minute flour on the counter or add flour to the dough if needed. Don't add so much flour that the dough is firm like sugar cookie dough. Pat the soft dough out on the counter and cut into three-inch discs. If the dough is wet and the shape is a minute ragged, it's perfect.

3. Make one large shortcake. Spread the dough into an eight-inch cake pan or nine-inch pie pan. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until golden on top and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Strawberry Hints

Always use fresh, succulent, ripe strawberries. Choose plump looking strawberries with green caps and avoid those that look bruised or mushy. Do not wash them or remove the caps until they are ready to use. Strawberries should be used promptly; they will not stay fresh long.

Original Strawberry Shortcake Recipe


2 cups all-purpose flour (or more--see above)

1/4 cup sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/3 cup cold butter cut into chunks

1 large egg

3/4 cup cream (or more--see above)

1 tablespoon melted butter or cream for brushing

2 tablespoons large crystal sugar such as turbinado sugar

2 pints ripe strawberries

1/4 cup sugar

1 cups heavy cream

1 teaspoon vanilla

2-4 tablespoons sugar


For the shortcake:

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

1. Merge the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl.

2. Cut the butter into the dry ingredients with a pastry blender.

3. Whisk the egg into the cream. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour the cream blend into the well. Mix with a fork until the ingredients just stick together. Drop into biscuits on a greased cookie sheet and then pat with the back of a spoon to make to about 3/4-inch thick. To make cut-out biscuits, pat the dough into a sheet on a floured countertop and cut into three inch shapes with either a knife or a cookie cutter.

4. Brush the tops with the melted butter or cream. Sprinkle the tops with sugar. Bake for about fifteen minutes or until golden brown. remove to a wire rack. Serve while still fresh and warm.

Note: For the best results, always serve shortcake fresh. The dough can sit in the refrigerator for up to two hours while waiting to bake.

For the strawberries:

Wash and slice the strawberries. Sprinkle the strawberries with sugar and toss to coat.

For the whipped cream:

Combine the whipped cream, two tablespoons sugar, and the vanilla in a chilled bowl. Whip on medium speed until soft peaks form. Sweeten with the added sugar if desired.

To serve:

Split the warm biscuits open. Fill with berries and whipped cream. Top with added whipped cream and berries.

Chocolate Caramel Raspberry Shortcake Recipe


1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour (or more--see above)

1/4 cup cocoa

1/3 cup sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/3 cup cold butter cut into chunks

1 large egg

3/4 cup cream (or more--see above)

1 tablespoon melted butter for brushing

2 tablespoons large crystal sugar such as turbinado sugar

1 1/2 pints ripe raspberries

1 cup heavy cream

1 teaspoon vanilla

2-4 tablespoons sugar

Chocolate syrup

Caramel syrup


For the shortcake:

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

1. Merge the flour, cocoa, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl.

2. Cut the butter into the dry ingredients with a pastry blender.

3. Whisk the egg into the cream. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour the cream blend into the well. Mix with a fork until the ingredients just stick together. Drop into dough on a greased cookie sheet and then pat with the back of a spoon to make to about 3/4-inch thick. To make cut-out biscuits, pat the dough into a sheet on a floured countertop and cut into three inch shapes with either a knife or a cookie cutter.

4. Brush the tops with the melted butter. Sprinkle the tops with sugar. Bake for about fifteen minutes or until done. remove to a wire rack. Serve while still fresh and warm.

Note: For the best results, always serve shortcake fresh. The dough can sit in the refrigerator for up to two hours while waiting to bake.

For the raspberries:

Wash the raspberries. OrnaMent the sweetmeat with the raspberries.

For the whipped cream:

Combine the whipped cream, two tablespoons sugar, and the vanilla in a chilled bowl. Whip on medium speed until soft peaks form. Sweeten with the added sugar if desired.

To serve:

Split the warm biscuits open. Fill with berries and whipped cream. Top with added whipped cream and berries. Drizzle with chocolate and caramel syrup.

Blueberry Cream Cheese Shortcake Recipe


2 cups all-purpose flour (or more--see above)

1/4 cup sugar

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/3 cup cold butter cut into chunks

1 large egg

3/4 cup cream (or more--see above)

1 tablespoon melted butter or cream for brushing

1 1/2 pints ripe blueberries

2 tablespoons sugar

2/3 cup heavy cream

1 eight-ounce package cream cheese

2/3 cup powdered sugar

1 teaspoon lemon zest


For the shortcake:

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

1. Merge the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl.

2. Cut the butter into the dry ingredients with a pastry blender.

3. Whisk the egg into the cream. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour the cream blend into the well. Mix with a fork until the ingredients just stick together. Drop into biscuits on a greased cookie sheet and then pat with the back of a spoon make to about 3/4-inch thick. To make cut-out biscuits, pat the dough into a sheet on a floured countertop and cut into three inch shapes with either a knife or a cookie cutter.

4. Brush the tops with the melted butter or cream. Sprinkle the tops with sugar. Bake for about fifteen minutes or until golden brown. remove to a wire rack. Serve while still fresh and warm.

Note: For the best results, always serve shortcake fresh. The dough can sit in the refrigerator for up to two hours while waiting to bake.

For the blueberries:

Wash the blueberries. In a small bowl, smash the berries, add the sugar, and stir. Cover the bowl and heat it in the microwave until the berries are hot and starting to bubble.

For the whipped cream:

Pour the whipped cream into a chilled bowl. Whip on medium speed until soft peaks form. Add the cream cheese, powdered sugar, and lemon zest and beat until combined and fluffy.

To serve:

Split the warm biscuits open. Fill with whipped filling. Top with added whipped filling and berries.

See photos and the printable version of All About Shortcakes.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Gooseberry and its Miraculous Benefits

Gooseberry and its Miraculous Benefits

Have you ever wondered why the hAirs and skin texture of most of the artist's look beautiful? The luster, gloss, gleam and thick wholesome hAir, and the glow on the face of artists are not always the results of botox injection, rejuvenating cream, hAir treatMents, and expensive shampoos. Nature has bestowed many bounties to mankind; out of which, herbs are one of the best sources of miracle. Out of many herbs, goose berry is the most noteworthy miraculous herb and a potent gift of nature to mankind. Goose berry is popularly known as Amla. Humanity has utilized its benefits for decades, and it forms a crucial part of the Ayurvedic medicine. Naturally, it has power to cure many skin and condition associated problems within no time. The gooseberry is native in Europe and western Asia, growing simply in alpine thickets and rocky woods in the lower country, from France eastward, well into the Himalayas and peninsular India.

It is the finest herb and is nowadays prominent all over the world due to its copious benefits. Where synthetic products can leave so many risky side effects on health, skin and hairs, goose berry is showing up a path to the population to perform charm target without any harm. Herbal charm products are nowadays piled up with goose berry in it as a main ingredient, because population are now shifting towards natural products to cut side effects of chemicals.

Gooseberry is generally ready in herbal stores in the form of dry seeds or in powdered form. Luckily, small sized original gooseberry is nowadays ready in super markets. It might be green, white, yellow, or red in color. The size may vary from pea size fruits to the size of hen's eggs.

Since centuries, population are using gooseberry for its restorative and nutritious properties. It is very sour in taste, and it is bitter and pungent, when used in dried form. . It is the best vitamin C suppleMent in contains as much as 20 times that of an orange. The fresh fruit contains more than eighty percent of water also protein, carbohydrates, fibre, minerals and vitamins. Minerals and vitamins in general contain calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, Vitamin C and B complex. It also contains gallic and acetic acid

It enhances Food absorption, balances stomach acid, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and thinking functioning, supports the heart, strengthens the lungs, enhances fertility, helps the urinary system, is good for the skin, promotes healthier hair, acts as a body coolant, flushes out toxins, increases vitality, strengthens the eyes, improves muscle tone and it acts as an antioxidant.

Here are some of the miraculous effects of Goose berry:

Gooseberry can be turned into a favorite drink, which can be used to treat the question of scurvy. Not only that, but a glass of gooseberry drink can also improve skin tone and texture within a month.
The Vitamin C in gooseberry helps in reducing blood cholesterol by dilating the blood vessels and there by reducing the blood pressure. It also strengthens heart muscles. One tablespoonful of powdered gooseberry can be used with one glass of Luke warm water on regular basis to stabilize blood cholesterol level.

Gooseberry has anti- diabetic potential. It contains chromium, which has a therapeutic value in diabetics. It stimulates the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. Thus it reduces blood sugar in diabetic patient. Mix dried gooseberry with bitter gourd powder, and eat a pinch every morning to regulate the blood glucose levels.

Frequent intake of sweet, sour, spicy and oily Food causes acidity. Moreover, late night eating, and drinking coffee or tea in excess can triggers the condition of acidity. Either you have a question of acidity, heartburn, or reflux, gooseberry is a good substitute of antacids. It is also useful for remedies for diarrhea and dysentery. A tablespoon of gooseberry juice or powder in a glass of water can lessen all upset stomach problems instantly.
If you have question of thin and lusterless, then wash your hair with gooseberry for a week. Soak dried gooseberry in one pint of water, and then mix the juice in a tub with lowly tap water. It will not only vigor hairs, but will also solve many problems of scalp. It will kill lice and at the same time, will add body to your limp hair. Anyone worried about graying hair would be delighted to know that gooseberry powder and henna soaked in water and left in an iron utensil can be used to get a lovely new natural color, similar to streaking. Gooseberry also enriches hair increase and hair pigMentation. It strengthens roots of hair, maintains color and adds body to hair.

It raises the total protein level and helps maintaining body weight due to its richness in nutrients. Add a pinch of gooseberry powder in Luke warm water and drink it after every meal in order to take off the flabbiness of stomach.

Gooseberry is also productive for respiratory complaints. It is wise sufficient to experience doctor before using Gooseberry in case of asthma or any respiratory tract disorder.

Gooseberry can also improve your eye sight. Taking Gooseberry juice with honey is good for enhancing eyesight. It improves nearsightedness and cataract. Drinking its juice or eating marmalade or pickle can also edge your vision.

Due to its antibacterial and astringent attributes, the gooseberry protects against infection. You can apply its juice on your skin as a toner commonly to fade off your spots and to cut pimples.

Gooseberry is also a noteworthy antioxidant agent. Many condition problems are conduced by oxidative damage Vitamin C is a good antioxidant agent and so is Gooseberry. You can apply powdered or original gooseberry pulp on your face twice a week to take off fine lines and wrinkles. If your skin is damaged or you have sensitive skin, do not use it without consulting doctor.

Daily dose of gooseberry can relive you from day-today stresses. It can detoxify your body systems efficiently. It is a perfect way to boost your immunity and resistance system of your body. It is a great revitalizer which thoroughly helps in reactivating your whole body system.

It is also used as remedies for fever, liver disorder, indigestion, anemia, urinary problems, respiratory problems, and cerebral illness. It increases red blood cell production and strengthens teeth and nails.

Remember, wholesome and permissible balanced diet and intake of immoderate water, along with using gooseberry can cure lots of problems. It is wisely hint to the enTire charm lovers to turn their interest towards natural products than synthetic in order to improve the capability of condition and life.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Greek Cinnamon Chicken method

Greek Cinnamon Chicken method

Well, my wife Sue said this is the very best thing that I have ever cooked to date. I must admit that the blend of flavors is as a matter of fact unique. I am not as a matter of fact a fan of cinnamon, but I Love the way that it worked in this recipe!


6 to 8 chicken thighs (with skin)

3 tbsp. Extra-virgin olive oil

2 tsp. Ground cinnamon

1 tsp. Kosher salt

1 tsp. Tasteless ground black pepper

1 (14.5) oz. Can diced tomatoes with juice

1 (3.8) oz. Can sliced ripe olives, drained

1 (14.5 oz.) can chicken broth

3/4 cup dry, white wine

4 cloves minced garlic

2 cups yellow onions, diced

1 tsp. Dried oregano leaves

1 tsp. Dried mint flakes

1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

6 to 8 servings cooked rice pilaf

(Cook the pilaf agreeing to instructions on package.)


Rinse the chicken and pat dry. Mix the salt, pepper and cinnamon in a bowl. Rub this seasoning on all sides of the chicken. In a large, deep skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat and add chicken, browning for about 5 minutes on each side. Then take off chicken, put on a platter and set aside.

Reduce heat to medium and add the onions and minced garlic to the skillet. Stir constantly and cook for a few minutes until the onions are tender and a light golden brown. Add the wine and scrape the bottom of the skillet with a wooden spoon, loosening everything that is stuck to the bottom of the skillet.

After a few minutes, add the tomatoes, the olives, the chicken broth, the dried oregano leaves and the dried mint flakes. Stir everything together and return the chicken to the skillet. Cover the skillet and simmer over low heat for an hour, or until chicken is wholly cooked. Serve the chicken over the pilaf, cover with the sauce, and sprinkle feta cheese over the top. Serves 6 to 8.

Copyright © 2008 Lee Griffith. All proprietary reserved.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Does Trader Joe's Sell Acai Berry? - Is Trader Joe the Best Place to Get an Acai Berry Online Trial?

Does Trader Joe's Sell Acai Berry? - Is Trader Joe the Best Place to Get an Acai Berry Online Trial?

Trader Joe's is one of the prominent chains of agency market all across the Usa. Like all others in the league, even they sell acai diet suppleMents. Acai is the supreme wonder fruit from Brazil. It is now the No. 1 Super Food on the diet charts of some medical & condition experts. It is most known for its utmost nutritional value. The facts that some celebrities are promoting it and are vouching for its benefits, have added to the fame.

With so many brands on the run, it is in fact tough to pick one. Trader Joe's is a rather favorable means of getting this diet suppleMent. Picking out the acai suppleMent from here would you the luxury to buy a refill when ever you need it. You do not need to place an order in advance. Also it has the disadvanTAGe that you can not have any free trials. That you can enjoy only with the acai suppleMents you buy online. These trials not only cost you better, they are also safer. While choosing one of these on the internet make sure that you read the ingredients well.

At Trader Joe's you can do that as well, though in case they do not suit you, you would have a money back guarantee. A straightforward resort to this issue can be the following:

· Discuss with your doctor that you want to consider the acai supplements.
· You can only take them in case you are 18 years or above of age.
· The women must not be pregnant.
· Discuss the success of the brand you have chosen with your friends & family.
· If potential read its comments & reviews on the internet.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Herbs that Heal - Herbal Remedies

Herbs that Heal - Herbal Remedies

Herbs for general condition and Healing

For population who are leery of the alarming side effects of many drugs and medicines on the current market, or just implicated about taking too many pills, there is other option: herbal remedies. The use of herbs for healing has been recorded as early as 2500 B.C. Herbs were widely used as medicines prior to the arrival of science with its developMents in chemicals, drugs and medicines. Before modern science there were only two basic options for healing - the varied plants with known healing properties and the spiritual, along with prayer, the laying on of hands, magic and voodoo. For our purposes, we'll consolidate on the world of healing plants and leave the spiritual up to the individual.

What is an herb? How is it different from a spice? An herb is a seed-producing plant of the type that does not invent persistent woody tissue, such as that of a shrub or a tree, but remains more or less soft or succulent (having thick or fleshy stems or leaves which can hold a large quantity of water). Some examples of tasteless herbs would be catnip, chamomile, hyssop and spearmint. A spice is any of the varied vegetable plants that are also fragrant or aromatic and are pungent to the taste. Allspice, cumin, paprika and rosemary are all spices. So an herb may also be a spice, like cinnamon or mace.

Most herbs and spices are sun-dried or cured in their indigenous environMent. For example, the ginger root is harvested then cleaned before it is dried and exported. Sometimes ginger root is also peeled and sometimes the ginger root is boiled in sugar and preserved before its exportation. Cloves are the dried unopened flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum, a tree of the Myrtle family, while peppercorns are the dried berries of the Piper nigrum plant. The nutmeg is the hard, aromatic seed of an evergreen tree called Myristica fragrans. The seed is dried and ground or grated and used as a spice.

Herbs can act as astringents (something that slows or stops the flow of blood or other secretions), alkalinizers (something that raises the pH above 7.0), acidifiers (something that lowers the pH below 7.0), tonics (something that refreshes, invigorates or strengthens), diuretics (something that promotes the flow of urine), diaphoretics (something that promotes perspiration), laxatives (something that promotes bowel movements) and also as nervines (something which excites or relaxes the nerves). Many herbs act as more than one of these, such as Acacia, which has a soothing or softening effect on mucous membranes, an astringent effect, limiting secretions of glands and nutritive qualities as well as nourishing the tissues to which it is applied.

The herbs with mostly astringent (causing blood or other secretions to slow or stop) effects are Acacia, Acorn, Agaric, Agrimony, English Alder, Amaranth, Trailing Arbutus, Balm, European Birch, Bistort, Blackberry, Black Willow Bark, Cinnamon, Black Cohosh, Eyebright, Fireweed, Fluellin, Houseleek, Jambul, Pilewort, Red Root, Red Sage, Peruvian Rhatany, Rhubarb, Rosemary and Scullcap.

Herbs with a mostly alkalizing (raising the pH) effect are Dandelion and Kelp.

The general tonic (nourishing, invigorating, strengthening or refreshing) herbs are Agrimony, English Alder, Alstonia Bark, Angustura, Asafetida, Balmony, Balm of Gilead, Bamboo Brier, Barberry, Berberis, Beth Root, Blackberry, Boneset, Box Leaves, Bugle, Catnip, Celery, Chamomile, Culver's Root, Dandelion, Eyebright, Gentian, Golden Seal, Juniper Berry, Lemon, Mistletoe, Nux Vomica, Peruvian Rhatany, Rosemary, Snake Root and Tansy.

Herbal Tonics for definite areas are the Heart Tonics made from Butterbur and Mescal Buttons, Intestinal Tonics made from Cascara Sagrada, Nerve Tonics made from Damiana and Oats, Stomach Tonics made from Burdock and Sassafras, Strengthening Tonics made from Lucerne and Simaruba and Weight-adding Tonics made from Lucerne.

Herbs having a mostly diuretic (causing urination) effect are Agrimony, Arenaria Rubra, Asafetida, Asparagus, Belladonna, Bilberries, American Bittersweet, Black Currant, Black Haw, Blue Flag, Boldo, Boneset, Bryony, Buchu, Burdock, Butterbur, Caroba, Celery, Coffee, Black Cohosh, Couchgrass, Damiana, Dandelion, Figwort, Garlic, Goat's Rue, Jambul, Jewel Weed, Juniper Berry, Kelp, Lily-of-the-Valley, Night-Blooming Cereus, Onion, Paraguay Tea, Pitcher Plant, Queen's Delight, Soap Tree and White Bryony.

The herb with a mostly diaphoretic (causing perspiration) effect is American Bittersweet. Many other herbs have this effect in increasing to their main use.

Herbs having a laxative (causing bowel movements) effect are Agar, American Black Alder, Asafetida, Ash, Asparagus, American Bearsfoot, Benne, Blue Flag, Boneset, Burdock, Cleavers, Culver's Root, Damiana, Dandelion, Fig, Hartstongue, Honeysuckle, Horehound, Olive, Pitcher Plant, Queen's pleasure and Rhubarb which has the mildest laxative effect.

Herbs that influence the nerves are Black Willow Bark, which eases inflammation of the nerves, Passion Flower, which eases nerve pain, Asafetida, which is a nerve stimulant, Gentian, which is other Nerve Tonic and Black Currant, which restores the nervous system. For nervous disorders, use Arrach, Belladonna, Caroba, Chamomile, Gelsemium, Gentian, Golden Seal, Kelp, Lobelia, Mistletoe, Muira-Puama, Oats, Passion Flower, Rosemary or Scullcap.

Various parts of the herb are used - the flowers, leaves, buds, stems and also the root. Preparations vary as well. Sometimes the part or part used will be steeped and used as a tea, sometimes as a wash, sometimes as a tincture, where alcohol is the activating agent and other ways as well.

Consult an herbal pro or documentation before using herbs. While most herbs are wholly safe to use, some herbs are Ok just in small doses, but sometimes harmful in larger doses. Learn as much as you can about the herb and effect dosing instructions carefully, especially if using them for children.

Luckily, we have much data ready on the Internet, on herbs and other topics. There are libraries in most towns and cities where one can find definite data on herbs and herbal remedies. condition market that carry herbs and herbal preparations are more plentiful than they used to be and there are more and more healing practitioners versed in using herbs, so gathering beneficial and thorough data should not be a problem.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sinharaja Tea

Sinharaja Tea

If you're finding for a special tea, possibly for a special event, or just to give yourself a special treat, give Sinharaja tea. This black tea is one of the most unique and flavorful you'll ever taste, and it's sure to come to be one of your all time beloved teas.

Sinharaja is a black Ceylon tea, grown in an area of Sri Lanka that borders the rainforest. Sri Lanka's Ceylon teas are world celebrated for their flavor, enhanced by the cool mist that surrounds this area of the countryside year round. These cool moist conditions create a tea that is unique, with a reddish color and a flavor that is robust, yet milder in flavor than some other black teas. Ceylon leaves are longer than many other tea leaves, and are very wiry. This tea is as intelligent to look at as it is to drink. And, literally good Ceylon teas, like Sinharaja, never go bitter, even if over infused.

Sri Lanka is known for making great tea. In fact, this small island is the third largest tea producer in the world. Tea output employs over one million population in Sri Lanka, making it the country's largest industry. But, Ceylon tea is still fAirly rare in the United States. Only about 19% of the tea consumed surface of Sri Lanka is Ceylon.

Sinharaja tea has a unique flavor, even among Ceylons. It has a very warming flavor, with notes of molasses and caramel, and just a hint of sweet berries. You'll find no better black tea for waking you up on a cold morning or helping you relax when you've had a long day. This tea has it all; it's rich, yet mellow and without even the slightest bitterness.

Ceylon teas are not easy to find in the Us, and many that you do find are of inferior quality.

Quality assurance is becoming more and more important in the tea industry. For years, it seemed that Americans weren't all that interested in drinking tea, but all that has changed. In part, changes have happened because we've come to be increasingly aware of the condition benefits of drinking tea. In addition, it seems to be the newest trend, following on the heels of the popularity of coffee houses.

One of the biggest trends in tea is flavored and specialty tea, since these teas open up a whole new range of flavors for the palate. So, it seems that every person is getting into the tea market. But, as you might imagine, not every person is making high capability tea. And, for the consumer, it can be difficult to judge either or not the tea you're purchasing is high quality.

There are no international tea grading standards. Each country grades their tea by their own standards, and often green teas are graded differently than black or white teas. So, determining the capability of the tea you're buying by finding at the grade can be quite confusing. The best bet for getting literally good teas consistently is by finding a tea enterprise that has a prestige for quality.

Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Make healthy morning meal Foods for Diabetics - Oatmeal With Berries and Oatmeal Raisin Pancakes

How to Make healthy morning meal Foods for Diabetics - Oatmeal With Berries and Oatmeal Raisin Pancakes

One of the most prominent things a diabetic can do for themselves is to start their day off right with a wholesome breakFast. Taking a few minutes in the morning to eat something wholesome can be a key to controlling your blood sugar, yet we often grab something we know isn't quite right for us with the excuse that we are in a hurry. That type of 'in a hurry' can set you up for failure in controlling your blood sugar. Since oats are a very good source of soluble fiber which is very prominent to the diabetic's diet, this report offers a incorporate of recipes that are healthy, fit perfectly into a diabetic's diet, and they are quick and easy to prepare. The pancake formula makes 12 pancakes using a fourth cup of batter for each. If you are permanently in a morning rush, make up all the batter, have a incorporate of pancakes (two are considered a serving) and allow the other ten to cool completely. Once cooled put them in freezer bags, 2 to a bag, and freeze. They can be microwaved Fast when needed. This does away with the excuse that you can't make this formula because it would be wasteful. Plus you have 5 more servings of a wholesome breakFast on hand.

Oatmeal Raisin Pancakes
2 cups quick cook oats
2 cups buttermilk
2 eggs*
2 tbsp canola oil
1/4 cup whole-wheat flour**
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 tbsp Splenda granular
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup raisins

In a small bowl incorporate the oats with the buttermilk and let stand for 5 minutes. Beat eggs and stir into the oats along with the canola oil. Set the composition aside.

In a large mixing bowl, incorporate the flours, Splenda, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon. Stir in the oat composition just until flour composition is moistened. Gradually stir in the raisins.

Heat griddle or skillet to hot and spray with nonstick Cooking spray. Pour batter, 1/4 cup at a time, onto the hot griddle. When the top of the pancakes start to bubble, turn. When second side is a golden brown, remove from heat.

*Or you may use 1/2 cup egg substitute.
**You may omit and replace with an additional one 1/4 cup all-purpose flour.

Serve topped with a thin pat of butter and sugar-free maple flavored syrup.

Yield: 1 dozen

Homemade Oatmeal With Fresh Blueberries
1 cup water
1/2 cup old-fashion oats
dash of salt, optional
2 tsp Splenda Brown Sugar Blend
2 tablespoons fresh blueberries*
1 tbsp fat-free cream

In a small saucepan bring the water to a boil; stir in oats and the salt, if using (best for you to omit salt if you can). Stirring constantly, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes.

Sprinkle the Splenda Brown Sugar Blend and the blueberries over the hot oatmeal. Drizzle with the cream.

*May substitute frosty blueberries that have been thawed.

Yield: 1 serving

With salt: 220 calories, 41 g carbs, 5 g fiber, 7 g protein, 3 g (0 sat)fat, 10 g sugar, 5 g cholesterol, 410 mg sodium

Note: Best to enjoy this wholesome breakFast treat with a strip or two of turkey bacon for further protein.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tayberry Jam

Tayberry Jam

The taste of Summer, bursting with flavour and anti-oxidant effects. Tayberries are a Raspberry / Blackberry cross that combines the best of both. Big, succulent fruits that crop early. Blackberries were eaten even in Stone Age times, pips from the fruit were found in the stomach remains of a Neolithic man preserved in clay in Essex.

Blackberry picking time was once a most leading country activity. Country people would pick in droves, gathering the fruit for jams, tarts, crumble, jellies, teas, wine, ale, syrup, vinegar, cordial, summer puddings and the rest ! Tayberry, Raspberry or Blackberry jelly is a great way to withhold this fruit for when it is needed in the winter - it makes a great base for a hot toddy.

Legend has it that wild Blackberries should not be eaten after October 10th because the Devil spits on every bush at this time and they verily lose flavour and become 'fly blown' as autumn progresses. Roger Phillips in 'Wild Food' (my favourite Food book) notes that this option of date falls around Michaelmas Day (allowing for an 11 day calendar shift in 1752). This feast day celebrates "the primeval war in which St. Michael the Archangel hurled Lucifer out of Heaven and down to earth" and provides more evidence of how Christianity assimilated much of folklore for its own ends.

These berries are rich in vitamin C and furnish a recognised boost to the immune system. The fresh berries are rich in bioflavonoids, fibre and folate. There are also traces of salicylate - a natural aspirin like blend that can trigger allergic reactions in some people. The leaves and roots are also a requisite herb that can help to control diarrhoea. The chewing of blackberry leaves for bleeding gums goes back at least 2000 years.

For this formula I used about 2 pounds of fresh Tayberries with a quarter pint of water (and a couple of Strawberries thrown in). Let it simmer for a few minutes, add 2 pounds of sugar and stir until it dissolves, then add the pectin and a knob of butter, get it to a rolling boil for a few minutes and pour into sterilised jars, and seal. It won't last until winter as my son keeps eating it, and so do I. Yum !

Monday, October 17, 2011

Benefits of Golden Berries

Benefits of Golden Berries

Going back to the basics like eating organic products is extremely advised by many nutritionists, health enthusiasts and curative practitioners compared to involving processed goods and instant meals. They claim eating fruits and vegetables in their natural forms are the best sources of nutrients to keep our bodies wholesome and free from any diseases.

Some fruits and vegetables are believed to be superFoods that are enriched with many vitamins and minerals in their natural forms. One of the most beloved among them is the organic Golden Berries (Physalis peruviana), also known as Incan Berries or Cape Gooseberries, which are eaten as wholesome snacks and processed as an ingredient for distinct recipes. These berries are limited golden nuggets, yellowish orange in color, with similar flavor of a candied lemon having sweet and tart taste. Incan Berries are found to have high nutritional value. These berries, which are bigger than raisins, have many seeds with a grainy texture and frequently eaten dry.

Golden Berry was first found in the South American tropics, where it was widely grown. The Incas cultivated the earliest berries and brought these to South Africa treading the path of the Cape of Good Hope, where the name Cape Gooseberry originated in the 1800s. These berries were then introduced to Australia and New Zealand and have been widely grown in the wild ever since.

Fruit eaters in the past may have enjoyed eating the limited berries because of their refreshing and delicious sweet taste, but limited did they know that the Golden Berry has spectacular, health benefits like a multivitamin. With its holistic and all-natural ingredients, eating Gold Berries is extremely recomMended than taking a multivitamin suppleMent.

The Incan Berry has high article of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and C, along with Vitamin P (bioflavinoids). Vitamin P has antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-histamine and anti-carcinogenic components. This makes the limited dried fruits act as limited soldiers protecting the body from toxins and free radicals that wash out the body wastes.

Also, Golden Berries are categorized as adaptogenic Foods that reduce the body's stress levels. Individuals with diabetes can benefit by eating Incan berries. Pectin, a substance found in these berries, may keep the blood sugar at its optimum level. These berries may help in maintaining the general cholesterol level, drawing away the possibility of any heart-related ailMents. Incan berries have also laxative qualities ensuring the wholesome health of the intestines. Putting Golden Berries in your diet, you can both enjoy their sweet taste with health benefits.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Knott's Berry Farm Ghost Town - A Scary Place Or Not?

Knott's Berry Farm Ghost Town - A Scary Place Or Not?

If you've come to Knott's Berry Farm for a scare, then we're sorry to disappoint you. Unless it's Halloween, there aren't any scary attractions there at the moMent. They may have an attraction called Ghost Town, but it's not what you think.

So, why was it called a Ghost Town? If you take a visit, all you will see is a incorporate of Wild West themed houses and structures, as well as a real Sheriff and all the horses. If you must know, the structures found in the town have been conveyable from various mining villages, based on many sources. When you think about it, it assuredly is like a ghost town-an old California themed ghost town with structures as early as 1880.

Of course, as Mentioned before, there aren't any ghosts or poltergeists in this replicated ghost town. It is merely a town which shows relics of the past. All you'll get to see are various rides and attractions that will give you a western style adventure. At the same time, get the feel of time voyage when you look at historical structure and artifacts which date back to a thousand years.

Both kids (and even adults) who are hiding a secret desire to be cowboys or cowgirls may get their opportunity here. It's not a mystery why people love to fantasize their selves as people from the Wild West because their personalities often brim with courage and strength. Thanks to this ghost town, one will be able to contact what it's like to reside in that kind of setting, even for just a few hours.

Besides these optic attractions, what else can a tourist expect in this astounding part of the park? Like other areas in the Farm, you will see a ton of rides and attractions. Some of the most notable ones are the Calico Mine Ride (and contact a ride through a mine) and the Calico compel (where you'll contact a real hold-up from old western bandits). Other than these old school attractions, you'll also see roller coasters and other types of contemporary thrill attractions.

At the end of the day, you can rest your Tired body while eating in the area's appetizing restaurants. Make the trip even more memorable by purchasing a souvenir or two. Worry not about discounts because there are Knott's Berry Farm coupons. In summary, Knott's Berry Farm was able to bring out the 'fun' and 'educational' from this attraction.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Berry Cheesecake Recipes

While there are a estimate of separate cheesecake recipes a someone can find, none of them is quite as favorite at the berry flavored dishes. These desserts are full of blueberries, strawberries and a series of other toppings that give them a uniquely sweet flavor you can enjoy. However, while you might be seeing to plainly place them on top of your accomplished product, you should know there are a few tricks you can do to enlarge on the flavor you are creating that will leave your guests seeing for seconds.

The very first thing you could do while creating berry cheesecake recipes is take the fruit to the filling. This means that while you are mixing together your cream cheese and sugar puree a few berries and then add them into the batch. This will ensure that the full flavor of this fruit ends up in each bite that you create. Of course, if you want to be creative, you can also take some jelly and swirl it in your batter as well. This will give it a beautiful look to go with the flavor. This is something that many population will most certainly notice.

Golden Berries

As you are creating your cheesecake recipes, you might reconsider taking it to the crust as well. You can blend a microscopic juice inside of your graham cracker crust and then bake it in the oven. This will not only increase the color of the berry to your final product, but it will give it a light hint of flavor as well that will certainly corollary in your final stock being noticed and talked about by your friends and family.

Berry Cheesecake Recipes

Finally, keep in mind that some berries will not work as well as others with this approach. If you are first starting out, reconsider using strawberries and then enlarge on your flavor creations. There is microscopic doubt that some of them will turn out amazing, while others might want a bit of adjusting to end up with the perfect final dish as well. This is an leading thing to keep in mind when it comes to cheesecake recipes, experiMenting can lead to great dishes, while others might turn out a microscopic odd.

Berry Cheesecakes

What You Will Need

  • 1 Graham Cracker Crust
  • 1 Box Cream Cheese
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 3 Cups Fresh Berries
  • 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice

How to Make It

Begin the process by mixing the cream cheese, sugar, cream, and berries with the lemon juice in a large mixer. Blend them until you have a plane compound that has a consistent color as well. Then spoon this compound into your crust and allow it to sit in the fridge until it has firmed. You can top it with fresh berries.

Berry Cheesecake Recipes